Barrie Walker's Gallery...

Wave RiderWave Rider
The DescentThe Descent
Stars in Her EyesStars in Her Eyes
Penmon PointPenmon Point
Mating White StorksMating White Storks
Lowen 2Lowen 2
Diagonal StepsDiagonal Steps
Coastal Beach DefencesCoastal Beach Defences
Circular Saw Mill Operat...Circular Saw Mill Operator
A Pull on the ReinsA Pull on the Reins
Sleeping Galapagos Seali...Sleeping Galapagos Sealions
Honey FungusHoney Fungus
Bike ParkBike Park
Senan 2Senan 2
Musical DuoMusical Duo
Jumping the Combination ...Jumping the Combination Fence
In the GrooveIn the Groove
Green WoodpeckerGreen Woodpecker
Dressmakers ToolsDressmakers Tools
Competitor 492Competitor 492
Walk on byWalk on by
Under the PromenadeUnder the Promenade
Violet-tailed SylphViolet-tailed Sylph
Tunnel VisionTunnel Vision
The Thrill of the RideThe Thrill of the Ride
The LessonThe Lesson
The JudgesThe Judges
The Journey of Discovery...The Journey of Discovery
Street MusicianStreet Musician
Surf KayakingSurf Kayaking
St.micheal's MountSt.micheal's Mount
Solo GrasstrackerSolo Grasstracker
Rehearsal TimeRehearsal Time
Red Squirrel Feeding on ...Red Squirrel Feeding on Pine Cone
Red Arrows ManueversRed Arrows Manuevers
Recycled G7 LeadersRecycled G7 Leaders
Reaching for a StrokeReaching for a Stroke
Priest CovePriest Cove
Period Dress CodePeriod Dress Code
One Scoop Or TwoOne Scoop Or Two
Mycena InclinataMycena Inclinata
Marine Eguana 2Marine Eguana 2
Male Beautiful Demoisel...Male Beautiful  Demoiselle
Long Tailed TitLong Tailed Tit
Loch Shiel 2Loch Shiel 2
Leader of the PackLeader of the Pack
Lights at Salford QuaysLights at Salford Quays
Lands EndLands End
Kaleidoscope FashionKaleidoscope Fashion
Frigate BirdsFrigate Birds
Female Lemon Rumped Tana...Female Lemon Rumped Tanager
Descending StairwayDescending Stairway
Dung BeetleDung Beetle
Dartmoor LandscapeDartmoor Landscape
Clevedon PierClevedon Pier
Carbis Bay BeachCarbis Bay Beach
Beach BreakBeach Break
Autumn in the HighlandsAutumn in the Highlands
At Full StretchAt Full Stretch
Air ReverseAir Reverse
1000 Miglia Race (bresci...1000 Miglia Race (brescia to Rome)
A Driving FinishA Driving Finish
Surfing the Tower Bridge...Surfing the Tower Bridge
Freedom of SpeechFreedom of Speech
Yellow Shield MushroomYellow Shield Mushroom
Tackle and GrinTackle and Grin
Striated HeronStriated Heron
On Mum's PhoneOn Mum's Phone
Hiking the DolomitesHiking the Dolomites
St Ives GigSt Ives Gig
St Ives Coast WatchSt Ives Coast Watch
River FalRiver Fal
Lizard LighthouseLizard Lighthouse
Two Handed ForehandTwo Handed Forehand
Portuguese Man O WarPortuguese Man O War
Not Paying AttentionNot Paying Attention
Nanven SunsetNanven Sunset
Iceberg FlowIceberg Flow
Don't You Dare !!!Don't You Dare !!!
What's Your FlavourWhat's Your Flavour
The DolomitesThe Dolomites
Steps & ShadowsSteps & Shadows
Smiling ImaniSmiling Imani
Coots Feeding TimeCoots Feeding Time
5 Surfing at Porthmeor5 Surfing at Porthmeor
4 Surfing at Porthmeor4 Surfing at Porthmeor
3 Surfing at Porthmeor3 Surfing at Porthmeor
2 Surfing at Porthmeor2 Surfing at Porthmeor
1 Surfing at Porthmeor1 Surfing at Porthmeor
Modern Art InstallationModern Art Installation
Mary's Shell Modern Scul...Mary's Shell Modern Sculpture
Four Blue MenFour Blue Men
Charlie SwanCharlie Swan
Blow Up ShoesBlow Up Shoes
My Doggy BagMy Doggy Bag
Lava Lizard Against Mari...Lava Lizard Against Marine Iguana
Intrusive SnapperIntrusive Snapper
Beautiful Demoiselle (fe...Beautiful Demoiselle (female)
A FlairA Flair
Carve of the LiCarve of the Li
Grass Track RacinGrass Track Racin
Surf KyakinSurf Kyakin
Street TraderStreet Trader
Street LunchStreet Lunch
Shetland LandscapeShetland Landscape
Large Tree FinchLarge Tree Finch
Dorothy & GodwinDorothy & Godwin
Broken HeartBroken Heart
Beach PlayBeach Play
Shetland SheepShetland Sheep
On ShowOn Show
Leap of FaithLeap of Faith
Bailey and BearBailey and Bear
Surf KyakingSurf Kyaking
Spent BloomsSpent Blooms
Lowen on the Sand BankLowen on the Sand Bank
Frigate Bird 2Frigate Bird 2
Carve of the LipCarve of the Lip