Rules for Submission of Images...

Digital Competitions

  • The files must be in jpg format and saved in sRGB colour space.
    • Computers use sRGB for display in most programs and all images on the web. See this article for more info.
  • Landscape images should be no larger than 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high
  • Portrait images should be a maximum 1200 pixels high
  • Sizes include any applied border
    • All images are projected onto a black background. Dark images could merge with the background and may improve with a border.
  • Images must be sent to the Competition Secetary two weeks prior to the competition. This can be done..
    • by email. The email title should be the competition name. Please include your name if that is not obvious from your email address.
    • on CD/DVD or memory (USB) stick.
      • Write your name on the CD or include it in a text file on a memory stick
      • Place the images in a folder named after the competition. e.g. 'Creative Digital'.
    • Note: It would assist the competition secretary if the media supplied had only the folders for the competitions being entered.
  • Please put your name in the copyright field in the images metadata in capitalized format; i.e. Fred Bloggs. This will be stripped out before being handed to the judge.
  • Image files naming format:
    • All of the process for preparing the images for the judge and updating the web site with new competition images and results has now been automated.  This automation relies on the files being in the correct naming format so they end up in the right place.
    • The image title should be limited to 35 characters, including spaces, but not including any prefix (see below). Please do not include a leading space, or a space between any prefix and the name, or put quotes around the name.
    • These requirements also apply to print and non-competition events as images from these are also put onto the site.
    • Prefixs to the image name for the various competitions..
      • Creative Digital, Colour, Mono & Nature Theme Challenges, Fill the Frame and Panorama & Letterbox . No prefix required
      • Bill Jenkins
        • Competition category followed by two dashes.
          • e.g.For the Natural History section c--Keeled Skimmer
      • Digital Portfolio, Sunday Shoot Out, Photo Journalism
        • Your membership number (with a leading zero if it is only one character), two dashes and then; to keep them in the order you wish them to be displayed; a single character then two plus symbols. Please make all the filenames different as the prefix will be stripped off during processing for the web site.
          • e.g. 07--a++My First Journalism pic.jpg,  07--b++Another journalism pic.jpg etc
  • Only fully paid up members can enter competitions

Print Competitions

  • Mount size = 50cm x 40cm
  • Recommended maximum print size = 16” x 12"  ( 8:6 ratio )
  • Put the title only of the image on the top right rear of the print
  • Email the details of your entries to the Competition Secretary containing your name, competition, competition category if appropiate and print title(s), or lightly sellotape a piece of paper on the reverse of one of the prints.
  • Could members who have their images placed; or would like the images to be included in their gallery; please email a digital version to the comeptition secretary for inclusion on the web site.  No prefixes are required in the file name.
  • Only fully paid up members can enter competitions

NOTE: Judges often take the colour of the mounting card and their overall impression of the quality of the mount into account when awarding their marks

Monochrome Competitions

A monochrome is Black and White, or Black and White which has been modified by the addition of a single tone to the entire image. A Black and White image which has been modified by the addition of partial toning, or by the addition of one colour to any part of the image is a COLOUR PRINT.

Our monochrome competitions do not therefore include duotones at this time.

Use of an Image in Multiple Competitions and Ues of Other Elements

The club rules state that an image can be entered into more than one competition; but there are restrictions.

1.   No image can be used more than twice in competitions, but with the exception that it can also be used once as part of a digital portfolio.

2.   Images that are similar to previous entries cannot be entered as new images.  Similar images include, but are not limited to, a monochorme version of a colour image, an image that has been differently edited or cropped, or an image that is from the same 'burst' as a previous image.

3.   Also the rules state that if an image has been awarded a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in a competition it cannot be submitted into another competition. So if an image had been submitted a second time before the first competition had been judged, then that is allowed.  However if an individual image has been placed in the top three, it is still eligible for a portfolio competition. Likewise, images in a top three placed portfolio are still eligible for individual image competitions.

4.  All work must be your own creation.  This includes the use of frames and backgrounds.