Fiona Thompson's Gallery...

Plymouth, ViñalesPlymouth, Viñales
East Mitten Monument Val...East Mitten Monument Valley
Bay Bridge SunriseBay Bridge Sunrise
Flora 5Flora 5
Flora 4Flora 4
Flora 3Flora 3
Flora 2Flora 2
Flora 1Flora 1
Sunset at the MittensSunset at the Mittens
My Happy PlaceMy Happy Place
Central American Cattleh...Central American Cattleheart
Sydney Skyline from Lady...Sydney Skyline from Lady Macquarie
Siesta TimeSiesta Time
At Dead Horse PointAt Dead Horse Point
Red Sky at NightRed Sky at Night
Morning CalmMorning Calm
Stl SkylineStl Skyline
Picnic LunchPicnic Lunch
Getting the ShotGetting the Shot